Washington & Lee Natatorium




Virginia Division

Building a large collegiate swimming complex is difficult. Building it on a steep grade with extremely limited site access for heavy equipment is a tremendous challenge. From preconstruction and engineering to project management and logistics, Tindall’s team was there from start to finish.


Washington & Lee University


Lexington, VA

Tindall Stays in the Swim

The 44,000-square-foot facility was erected in merely 11 days, featuring 21,400 square feet of wall panels, hard-troweled for a smooth interior finish. The numerous architectural details of this project made for a distinctive aesthetic. These included sandblasting; thin-set standard, engineered, and soldier course brick; as well as several protrusions, including sills, bump-outs, false columns, and cornices. Large window openings allowed for abundant natural light, while a Thermomass insulation and vapor barrier system provided an energy-efficient shell. The wall panels contained monolithic pilasters to carry the extremely heavy steel trusses that spanned the 120-foot spaces needed for the swimming pools.

Partnering with Tindall during the planning stages allowed for increased speed of final construction, resulting in more savings for the owner. The contractor understood the complexities of the project, and Tindall’s prominent reputation in the industry ensured a solid solution they could count on.

More Project Information

  • 21,400 sq. ft. of high-performance insulated wall panels
  • Ornate and functional exterior
  • Short 11-day construction time

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