Gwinnett County




Georgia Division

Operating at 200% capacity, Gwinnett County, Georgia, needed another detention facility — immediately. Choosing precast allowed the county to maximize aesthetics, and selecting Tindall as a partner allowed the facility to be completed in 14 months, from design to finish.


Lawrenceville, GA

The building’s eight-story tower is made up of six-sided, upfitted modules. The exterior has the look of a modern office facility, with large, tinted windows and sand-blasted white exterior. Precast recreation yards adjoin dayrooms, providing access to the outdoors and natural light.

The interior of this project consisted of a 1,440-bed tower holding a total of 756 double-cell modules and 84 shower units. The 21 visitation modules were converted in the field to provide four units per module, and the design allows for future expansion. These cell modules were also structurally load bearing, which helped transfer upper loads to the footings. This reduced the amount of structural framing needed, which increased the speed of construction.

Precast pieces for the expansion totaled 3,264, including up-fitted cells, insulated wall panels, columns, and double tees. The project was completed on a tight design-to-completion schedule.

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